Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Her dream will be a reality and she can learn to read..." Distribution Report from Honduras.

Thanks so much to our partner in the field for this powerful, testimony straight from Honduras.
Reina lives in El Ocotal Tupido, Santa Barbara and since her birth she has had problems in her feet. When she didn’t walk until she was two, the professionals detected that she had a form of osteoporosis. 

Reina desired to enter Kindergarten but was limited by her immobility and spent a lot of time on the floor.  With the wheelchair she can now rest a little more and will be able to enter Kindergarten this year. 

Reina is very thankful to God and those that made it possible for her to have this blessing, because now her dream will be a reality and she can learn to read, write and prepare for her life.  


  1. hey very nice wheelchair..
    nice posting keep blogging,
    these pictures are awesome!
