Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Minister in Capital City Receives Wheelchair." Distribution Report from Malawi

Thanks so much to our partner in the field for this powerful, testimony straight from Malawi.

Mr. Makhuwila is a religious leader on the northwest side of the City of Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. Recently he lost the use of his legs. Even though he lives in the largest city in this poverty-ravished nation it does not help him get around in order to carry out his ministerial duties. Streets are without sidewalks. Many of the streets are little more than pothole, laced dirt paths. Cars have a difficult time negotiating these corridors, let alone someone in a wheelchair. And wheelchairs, there are very few wheelchairs, and very few people have the funds with which to purchase one. The poor are everywhere, and the need for wheelchairs finds unimaginable numbers of people waiting for every wheelchair that makes its way into this forgotten part of the world. With only a single orthopedic hospital in the country there is little that can be done for the large numbers of people who are handicapped. For Mr. Makhuwila there was little that could change his hopeless situation after he joined the position of the handicapped.

Mr. Makhuwila expresses his appreciation to the Malawi Project, and in turn to all of these groups, for the wheel chair. He was overwhelmed with joy with his wheelchair. He said, “I am very happy because the Malawi Project, through Mama Kadzamira has come to my rescue. I was unable to move around during the past six months. They have now given me a wheelchair that will enable me to move around and continue pursuing my pastoral work among people of Area 25. I thank the Lord for his mercy and the gift of the wheel chair. May God bless the Malawi Project, and Dzidalire Community Development Agency.”

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Her dream will be a reality and she can learn to read..." Distribution Report from Honduras.

Thanks so much to our partner in the field for this powerful, testimony straight from Honduras.
Reina lives in El Ocotal Tupido, Santa Barbara and since her birth she has had problems in her feet. When she didn’t walk until she was two, the professionals detected that she had a form of osteoporosis. 

Reina desired to enter Kindergarten but was limited by her immobility and spent a lot of time on the floor.  With the wheelchair she can now rest a little more and will be able to enter Kindergarten this year. 

Reina is very thankful to God and those that made it possible for her to have this blessing, because now her dream will be a reality and she can learn to read, write and prepare for her life.  

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

“Right Bus, Right Time.” Distribution Report from Malawi!

Thanks so much to our partner in the field for this powerful, testimony straight from Malawi.

I was on the way from the Namikango Mission to Thyolo.  I got out of the truck that had given me a ride, and almost immediately a minibus stopped directly in front of me.  The conductor asked where I was going. This bus was going the same direction. I was not in a hurry to jump into the bus, as I had not eaten anything since morning and it was nearly 5.00 P.M.  I was really hungry, and I wanted something to eat before proceeding another 56 kilometers.

The minibus conductor needed the fare, so he pleaded for me to jump into his bus.  The man even decreased the bus fare by 10%. Still I felt I should not jump into that bus. I went to a nearby grocery to get something to eat.  There would be many more buses, and I was certain I would still get a lift on another bus.

I went to the shop, taking my time. Finally it was time to go outside and find a ride.  A few meters from the shop another minibus drove up and stopped. A man from this bus was trying to persuade me to jump into his bus, and the conductor who had talked to me earlier came to where I was standing, and pleaded that I go on his bus. I could not believe this minibus had been waiting for me all this time. I felt that I had no option but to yield to the man who had waited for me, and even lowered his fare by 10%. As soon as I was on board the bus started off.  There had only been room for one more passenger. Little did I know of the importance of what the conductor had done, or the importance of my decision to choose this particular bus out of all of those who were passing along the road that night.

After traveling for 12 kilometers, the bus stopped, and some people got off. There was someone sitting next to me who also getting off at this point, and this gave me an opportunity to be closer to a man who had been two spaces away from me. The bus started up and sped to another stopping point.

At this location, the man on my right hand got off the  bus. It was only then that I realized the man was crippled.  He crawled out of the bus on his hands and knees, and continued on his hands and knees into the people milling around.  I watched in disbelief.  In moments I knew the reason behind my entire trip was being summarized by the crawling, crippled man.

I had left my place early in the morning on the way to Namikango to collect some wheelchairs for crippled people.  The wheelchairs had been handed over to me by the good graces of the Malawi Project, the Namikango Mission, and the Free Wheelchair Mission.  While I was thinking of trips to villages looking for people who would benefit from these wheelchairs, just there right before my eyes someone was crawling.  The message was clear.

I immediately requested that the minibus driver stop for a few more minutes, while I rushed after the crippled man. I obtained the particulars of his physical address, and contact number for his next of kin. There was little time to chat but I assured him that I was going to come and visit him in the near future.  As I got back into  the  bus  I could  not  help  but  thank  the Lord whom I felt had sent  His angels to persuade me to catch that particular minibus.

Three weeks later, I had managed to organize transport, and picked up a wheelchair to deliver to the crippled man, a Mr. M. Chamba.  We drove right to the place he had been dropped the day I met him.  I looked around, searching for him, and eventually found his wife. The poor woman did not know what it was that I had for him, but in faith they sent someone with a bicycle to fetch her husband and bring him to a shopping center. The van I had used had been parked next to a supermarket.

Mr. Chamba arrived, little suspecting who it was that wanted to see him. I reminded him where we had met, and that I had assured him I was going to visit him.  He had no words and gazed in disbelief as I handed him the gift of a wheelchair from The Malawi Project.

Dr. Smith Chibaka & Richard Stephens

   Mr. M Chamba and his wife  -Bvumbwe,  Malawi.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thanks so much to our partner in the field for this powerful, testimony straight from Liberia.

LEM is pleased to present a report of its recent distribution of wheelchairs in Liberia, West Africa. During this past Christmas season, families, friends, loved ones, and the recipients rejoiced and praised the Lord for providing mobility to the disabled.

This report will focus on Little Dixon Buu.

Little Dixon Buu, now 8 years old, has been disabled since his birth.
The parents had no means of seeking medical attention for Dixon.
Little Dixon has been crawling in the dust wherever he goes around his home. Dixon’s parent had not even dreamed of any means of providing a wheelchair for him.

Dixon had the desire to move around the community and have fun with other children. Dixon had the desire to one day go to school; but the reality was so far away.

On December 26, one day after Christmas, the story changed for Little Dixon, his parents, family members and the community. I cannot hold back my tears as I  imagined the event when the parents saw as Dixon was lifted from the dust and helped into his wheelchair.

His joyful mother, (in red & black lappa-suit dress) said,
“I am happy because my son will no longer be crawling in the dust.”  
She and many others praised the Lord for this wonderful gift.