Hi, My name is Mike Kenyon and I’m the Pastor of Church Development at Free Wheelchair Mission. My role is to help churches get involved around the country in the cause of mobility. My primary role is to work with Pastors to determine how best they can engage their people. So, we offer curriculum to educate and give support to volunteers who want to tell other people about Free Wheelchair Mission.
This summer we launched a curriculum for families called, “And Away We Go- an adventure in love, compassion and action.” This
5 lesson teaching resource is being used by dozen of churches for their vacation bible school programs this summer. Really fun stuff.
My wife Allison and I have been married for 10 years (this summer) and have two young children: Austin and Kylie. We love to spend time with other families in our neighborhood, go to Yogurtland and have picnics at the beach. I enjoy playing basketball and tennis. I’m even getting more involved with acting again (as a little side hobby), entering my 12th year as a member of the Screen Actors Guild.
Next week I leave for Sri Lanka to give away wheelchairs for the first time. I can’t wait!!!!