2. Our partner in the Dominican Republic, Fundacion Romanese, distributed 100 wheelchairs into Haiti within days of the quake. Check out the blog to learn more at www.freewheelchairmission.org/blog. Routing wheelchair through the DR has been quick and efficient and FWM continues to support Haiti’s island neighbors with two more containers on the way.
3. Direct Relief International included 200 wheelchairs with a shipment of medical relief.
4. Operation Blessing International requested and will receive one container.
5. Christian Aid Ministries requested to import a container into their U.S. warehouse, to be included in upcoming weeks with relief teams into the region.
6. Caribbean Medical Transport has requested for a container – while details are being determined, more containers are on order that will be available for immediate assignment for Haiti.
7. FWM is organizing a mission team for mid-April to assist Fundacion Romanese.
8. Giving Children Hope will receive 100 wheelchairs from our U.S. warehouse to join a container planned for early March.